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  • Writer's pictureJack Eisenzimmer


Hello everyone. I am sad to tell you that this might be my last blog. I know all six people that read this are probably tremendously sad. Oh well maybe I'll do another one next week. I'm feeling pretty weird about the end of this year. My school year is basically done tomorrow. I don't really have anything left after this. It's just odd. At first I found it really easy to self motivate, and do my homework, but now I'm having a lot more difficulty. I also have an awful sleep schedule now. I go to bed at 2 a.m., and wake up between 19 a.m. and noon. It's just getting to be a struggle. I just don't know how we can do this next year if we have to. Lets hope we don't have to.

Our final recommendations. Here we go. First off for books I'm going to chose The Martian by Andy Weir. Most people have probably seen the movie, but the book is even better. For my album I'm going to choose a Chance the Rapper piece called Coloring Book. It's a very weird album, and I love it for that. For T.V. show we are going with Breaking Bad. Everyone knows Breaking Bad, but oh well. It is maybe the best show of this century, and one of the best ever. Finally for podcast episode I'm choosing a recent episode of the Bill Simmons Podcast that he did with The Undertaker. It is one of the best pods of the year, and I really enjoyed it. So there we go. That's it. Thank you for reading, and I'll see you later.

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