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  • Writer's pictureJack Eisenzimmer


Today is going to be a brief entry. I'll do my recommendations at they end, but for starters I wanna talk about the Coronavirus pandemic. Or more specifically the utter bungling of the situation by the president. I mean we already knew that this guy was an Incompetent idiot, but this is a whole new level. The CDC put out a list a few years ago of tips for the executive branch to use in a pandemic situation. Within the first two weeks Trump had gone against almost every single one. I mean the guy is just a joke. He changes his position on the disease every single day, and says the opposite of what every single health agency recommends. He is leading the public into, a downward viral spiral, and an economic crisis. That's another thing, people say he has handled the economy well during his presidency. Utter idiocy is what that is. The economic upturn started eleven years ago under Obama, and Trump has road on his coattails. The economy was already headed for a recession, and COVID-19 is just a way for him to pass off blames. He lowered taxes on the wealthy, increased ridiculous tariffs, and repealed eco friendly production regulations. He is a bumbling idiot, and maybe the worst president we have ever had. This isn't the last of my anti Trump rants on this blog either.

So know that that is done time for recommendations. First off to start with movies I'm going to go with a classic comedy. "The Hangover". One of the greatest comedies ever, and Zach Galifianakis' coming out party. For book I'm going to pick "The Monkey Wrench Gang". Edward Abbey, a writer some consider a modern version of authors like Henry David Thoreau, writes this anarchist novel, about the rise of mega industrialization, and the tyranny of energy companies. It is a love letter to the wilderness, and in my opinion a classic environmental novel. Many of the early members of the Earth First! movement consider it to be a sort of bible. For album I'm recommending "The Story of Us" by Quinn XCII. I got it on vinyl this week, and it sounds even better than in my earbuds. It is soft, and full of melancholic at points, but also upbeat and poppy at others. Finally for podcast episodes I'm going to pick "The Hidden Cost of the Perfect Selfie" from the Overheard at National Geographic podcast. It talks about the problems that come from eco tourism especially around animal tourism. It is an important issue, and one that should have more attention. So that's it for this week. A quick rant, and some recommendations. Thanks for reading, and I'll see you later.

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